New York Council of Administrators of Special Education

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 845-701-0855

NYCASE Membership Application

First Name:                                                         Last Name:                                                                        

Job Title:                                                                                                                                                          

Organization/District:                                                                   District County:                 _________         


City:                                                                                         State:                     Zip:                                      

E-mail:                                                                                                  Phone:                          ________          

Please tell us how you know about NYCASE                                                                                                       
Number of Years as a School Administrator  _____________

Check the membership level you seek:                                                                          

__ NYCASE Council Member:                                                                                                                                     

New York State level yearly membership of the New York Council of Administrators of

Special Education (NYCASE)  1 Yr  __ $90  2 Yr __$170 

__**Unified Member: See description below           1Yr   __$90  2 Yr  __$170

A Unified Member must be a member of the National Council of Administrators of Special Education Association (CASE)*, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)Note: Only Unified members may serve on NYCASE Executive Board of Directors.  Please include your CASE Membership number here ________________________________

*Dues for CASE/CEC Membership must be paid directly to the Council for Exceptional Children. You may join/renew your CASE/CEC membership on line at , or by calling CEC Customer Service 1-888-232-7733.  

__ NYCASE Retired Member:              __$35

Retired membership is granted by the board of directors to individuals who upon retirement are members in good standing with NYCASE. Retired members may serve on committees of the NYCASE board.

__NYCASE Student Member:             __$80

Student membership is available to individuals who are enrolled full time in a college/university.

Student members may serve on committees of the NYCASE board. 

Fill in the name of College/University:                                                 

Membership period is for one or two years depending upon your selection, renewable on the first or second anniversary of your join date. You will be notified one month in advance that renewal is due.

We look forward to the reward of working collaboratively on behalf of students with disabilities.

Visit to apply for membership online or 

If mailing an application, make checks payable to NYCASE and mail to:


PO Box 290

Greenfield Center, NY 12833