Welcome to the New NYCASE Advocacy Center

NYCASE will be posting active legislative notices and links on this page issued by NYCASE and National CASE (our affiliate) which will allow you to participate in expressing your voice on important legislative concerns

Please check back often for Call to Action opportunities!

1/23/2025 Call To Action

We are posting a Call to Action from National CASE. 

Medicaid and the ability to seek reimbursement for services is critical for our public schools.  This is a priority for CASE and NYCASE. Please take action. Oppose any cuts to Medicaid by using this link to the Call to Action Center at CASE https://www.casecec.org/action-center To complete a brief form. 


More about NYCASE:
Policy and advocacy are important parts of the NYCASE mission. NYCASE consistently follows legislative action and advocacy related to special education programs. 
  • Routinely engages with state, federal agencies and legislators to benefit students with disabilities and provide a voice to leaders in the field of special education
  • Prepares, and organizes and shares information with members so they may engage with legislators in advocacy at every level
  • Expands partnerships with fellow state and national organizations and other individual stakeholders 
The New York Council of Administrators of Special Education (NYCASE), is a nonprofit professional organization providing leadership, advocacy, and professional development to special education administrators responsible for the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Our members are frontline leaders who work on behalf of children and youth with disabilities and their families in public and private school systems and institutions of higher education. These individuals have dedicated their careers to ensuring high-quality educational services for students with disabilities in accordance with sate and federal law.

Students with disabilities need a comprehensive, well-integrated system of supports led by qualified educators – teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, administrators, and paraeducators – who work in partnership with families and the community. NYCASE supports policies that unite and provide empathic leadership, coupled with sufficient federal funding and resources that lead to success in school and beyond for children and youth with disabilities.